

Unified communication and collaboration (UCC) software is taking voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) technology to the next level, transforming ordinary business phones and desktop computers into a virtual communications platform. The central contribution of unified communications technology is integration. The system brings together all available communication modalities and makes them available on a robust multimedia interface.

The top 5 benefits of unified communication and collaboration


1. Collaboration

Unified communications and collaboration features a venue where coworkers, business partners, and clients can come together and collaborate using advanced data sharing and communications devices. You can exchange ideas, share data and documents instantly, edit a document “live,” and more. May of today’s services provide Real-Time-Collaboration (RTC), such as:

Google Apps
Google+ (Hangout Feature)
GoTo Meeting
Start Meeting

2. Communication

UCC enhances business communications by bringing all available devices and modalities under one roof. The implications go beyond access–with UCC, you can seamlessly transition among all available communications modalities “live.” With a click of a mouse you can escalate an instant message (IM) exchange into a phone call or even a conference call, bringing others on board.

3. Access

Because UCC operates across all communications devices, users enjoy unprecedented remote access to the system. Connect to your company’s internal network via wireless using your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or home computer. Unified messaging ensures that all your messages–voice, email, and others–reach you in your chosen format, generally all in your email inbox.

4. Business Process Integration

UCC expands the integration between data and communications applications, promoting continuity across all business processes. Via the UC interface you can access all available business process applications–enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM), and other data management and reporting utilities.

5. Presence

A unique innovation of UCC technology is the real-time presence interface, which allows you to view the availability of all other users and their communication preferences. This cuts wasted time tracking down available users and leaving messages. For example, a customer support specialist can use the presence application to identify an available expert qualified to answer a particular customer question.

6. Cost Savings

We’ve already mentioned how UCC can cut down on wasted time leaving messages, but it can also help save time (which means saving money!) by cutting down on travel expenses for client meetings, facilitating off-site workers, and reducing miscommunication and lag-time.

The next generation of unified VoIP promises more features and collaboration tools to enhance the way we work and communicate. Stay tuned for the latest at Techminutes.



Carceron develops unified communication and collaboration solutions that help small and medium sized businesses benefit from enterprise level resources. Schedule a free consultation and learn how Carceron can help your business increase productivity, reduce travel, and save cost


